Passform av tygblöjor
Hur ska en tygblöja sitta?
Hur ska en tygblöja sitta?
Start by adjusting the height of the diaper, if it's a One Size diaper. Cloth diapers sit a bit lower than disposable diapers. At the back, the diaper should sit just above the buttocks. At the front, the edge of the diaper should be a bit below the navel. Use the buttons on the front of the diaper to adjust the height. The excess fabric should be tucked upward toward the buttons that adjust the waist.
En tygblöja, oavsett om man använder vikblöjor, pockets eller SIO-system (läs mer om olika system här), ska sitta som ett par trosor på barnet. Detta betyder att man ska se till att resåren runt benen sitter tätt runt benen på barnet och sedan peta in resåren ordentlig i ljumskarna. Så, stäng blöjan och se till att det är tätt runt benen.
When it comes to the belly, the diaper should not be tight. If the child is lying down during a diaper change, you should be able to fit two adult fingers between the belly and the diaper. It's okay if there's a bit of a gap at the belly. Then, fasten the buttons to make it snug for the child.
Are you having problems with leakage? Read our guide to help with the problem.
Please refer to the illustration below for guidance!